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通过公民参与影响你所在社区的结构, 为有需要的人组织社区或提供重要的社会服务. This includes careers in public and private education, social work, mentoring/counseling and youth development, 以及提供这些类型服务的组织的管理. Explore jobs and internships on Handshake.



Nemnet 立志成为招聘教师的首要资源, administrators and coaches of color.
Massachusetts Teachers Association - Most state have similar associations for job postings, state education news, and professional development resources.
SchoolSpring and - Popular teaching and administration job boards.
National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) - Visit the Career Center for job openings.
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools -了解特许学校运动,并查看 job board for openings. 提供9个月的学士学位后教师准备证书课程和多个12个月的硕士学位课程. 

Higher Education -学院和大学的行政、职员和教职员工职位.
The Chronicle of Higher Education -最新的高等教育新闻,招聘信息等.

NASPA Student Affairs Administrators  - the placement exchange job board and resources

International Education

Council on Educational Exchange (CIEE) 将学生安排到国外任教的长期项目.

United World College 汇集了来自不同背景的年轻人,激励他们成为积极变革的推动者
International Language Institute -北安普顿的语言和教师培训项目.


Library & Archives

American Library Association ALA Accredited programs, education options, scholarships, careers in librarianship, online learning and more.

Archives and Record Association - In the UK & 爱尔兰的档案工作需要什么,你需要的技能和资格.

Association of Information Science & Technology

Society of American Archivists -就业中心-工作和实习搜索和提醒和职业学习中心.

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Library journal

Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners -根据地区,教育要求,全职/兼职等搜索马萨诸塞州图书馆工作.

Experiential & Non-formal Education

Association for Experiential Education

NOLS 是一所非营利性的全球荒野学校,旨在帮助你勇敢地向前迈进,成为一名领导者.

National Society for Experiential Education

Gap Year Association

Social Science

Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) - a collection of social science associations.

National Social Science Association -美国最大的跨学科教育协会之一.

Social Science History Association - an interdisciplinary group of scholars that shares interests in social life and theory; historiography, and historical and social-scientific methodologies.

NetImpact Net Impact has grown a grassroots, 希望利用自己的技能对人类和地球产生积极影响的学生和新兴影响力领袖的全球运动.

80,000Hours 这个招聘公告栏列出了我们认为可以帮助合适人选产生积极影响的公开招聘职位. 其中一些角色有助于解决世界上一些最紧迫的问题, 而其他人则帮助人们建立职业资本,他们可能需要在以后产生重大影响.


Certified B Corporation


Environmental Protection Agency job board 我们相信一个安全的气候和一个更美好的未来- -一个公正的未来, prosperous, 用普通人的力量建立一个公平的世界. 

National Association of Environmental Professionals

Food Systems

Good Food Jobs

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association 促进可持续农业的教学. Resources and job board

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN

Farm to Plate

Human Rights/Racial Inequality

ACLU 美国公民自由联盟成立于1920年,是我国自由的捍卫者. The ACLU works in the courts, 立法机构和社区捍卫和维护美国宪法和法律保障给这个国家所有人的个人权利和自由.

Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, 他们的使命是根除白人至上主义,建立地方力量来干预国家和治安维持者对黑人社区施加的暴力.

NAACP 全国有色人种协进会是美国最大、最杰出的民权组织. 

Human Rights Watch 调查和报道发生在世界各个角落的虐待事件.

The United State of Women is a national organization dedicated to convening, connecting, 并在争取完全性别平等的斗争中扩大声音

Human Services

National Organization for Human Services -通过跨学科的知识基础满足人类的需求, 既注重预防,又注重治理, 保持对提高整体生活质量的承诺. - Your source for Human Service Jobs, Social Service Jobs, Social Work Jobs, Non-Profit Jobs, Mental Health Jobs, and Behavioral Health Jobs.
Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services - Massachusetts agency information and job vacancies. 谷歌其他州的卫生和公共服务部门 -社会工作者和其他社会服务专业人员在各种领域和地点的工作.

American Red Cross and United Way -人力服务领域的大型跨国机构

Social Change/Service Organizations 

Americorps offers a variety of service opportunities, from the classroom to the outdoors, 在此期间的一切都是为了更大的利益而努力. 

Ashoka 设想一个每个人都是变革者的世界:一个所有公民都强大并以积极的方式为变革做出贡献的世界.

BRAC  赋予处于贫穷、文盲、疾病和社会不公正状况下的人民和社区权力.

Oxfam Working to end the injustice of poverty.

The Peace Corps 是否有机会让积极的变革者融入海外社区, 与当地领导人并肩合作,解决我们这一代人面临的最紧迫的挑战.

World Learning 在全球范围内致力于提高个人的能力和承诺, institutions, and communities to create a more peaceful, and just world through education, sustainable development, and exchange.

Archives Concentration 学生们通过这些藏品了解塑造我们的知识和对我们集体过去的理解的机构和储存库, preservation, interpretation and display of artifacts, manuscripts and representation of historic sites.

Community Engagement & Social Change Concentration 学生将跨学科的课程和社区的实际工作相结合,以扩大和加深对当地的理解, national and global issues that affect communities.

Translation Studies 翻译是最古老的外语教学方法.

The Smith College Fellowships Program 为希望申请竞争激烈的国内和国际奖学金的澳门葡京博彩软件学生和最近的校友提供建议.

Graduate & Professional School is this the next step for you?

Student Clubs & Organizations 

More from the Lazarus Center

Lazarus Center for Career Development Youtube Channel

Diversity Resources

International Students Resources 

Additional Handouts, Webinars, Podcasts, Videos

This is your community...

if you’d like to work in...

advocacy, community outreach/organizing, counseling, environmental sustainability, healthcare equity, human rights/social justice, philanthropy, social work, teaching/educational reform, youth development


Going Places

Toni Woods ’22

Toni Woods '22 她计划用她辅修的非洲研究来辅助她的教学内容和教学方式.